January 19th, 2025
4:00 P.M.
Master Joe will teach the Golden Tiger Seminar at 4 pm on January 19th. If you didn't get the special price during the holiday sale, you can still register for $60 through this link or at the door.
This seminar is open to Junior Black Belts, and all adult students.
I can tell you personally, that I always loved this form and he hasn't taught it out in over 20 years!! If you like Chin Kong, you will also love this form.
From Master Joe:
Golden Tiger - this has been a favorite form of mine since learning it 25 years ago. It is related to the 1st degree brown belt tiger form. It is a beautiful yet deadly form that flows with powerful moves and tiger spirit. You will be able to learn this quickly and be able to hold onto it for years to come, because it is put together so well. This will make it one of your favorite forms. It is GREAT for tournament competition. I am so excited to teach it again.
Register Here to take this seminar.
*** This seminar will take place at the North Austin school ***
Kung Fu and Tai Chi
8910 Research Blvd E-1
First turn past Pinballz on 183
The take driveway slightly uphill to warehouse park.
Austin, TX 78758
(512) 730-1629(email is preferred)
​Mantis Class (1st of the Year)
January 26th, 2025
4:00 P.M.
North Austin School
(You can also participate via Zoom)
In 1994 Grandmaster Sin started a mantis seminar series that ended up covering a tremendous amount of material over the next several years. I haven’t taught out this sequence in 20 years. I want to start having a monthly class (the last Friday of each month) where we work our way through this material. It has short forms, many long forms, two-man set forms, two-person drills, and pressure point hitting techniques.
The class will be 4:15 PM to 5:30 PM on the Sundays listed above. As time goes on and the review of material takes more time, we might add a little more time to the class. We will see how far we get through this list in the next 12 months. I am planning to award a special patch for your uniform or some indication of when people reach milestones in this training.
Jade Ring Stance short forms
10 Roads of Springy Leg
7 hands sticking hand training
8 two man sets for blocking and striking training
Penetrating Hammer First (long form)
Lean and smacking training – short-distance striking training
Stomping Crushing Fist
White Monkey Out of the Cave
Secret Door Mantis (two-man set form)
White Monkey Steals the peach
Pick and Play Mantis​
Open to KUNG FU & TAI CHI adults. This is a commitment to the full year of training.
To register for the class please email Master Sheryl to get your monthly payments set up for $40.
*** This seminar series will take place at the North Austin school ***
Kung Fu and Tai Chi
8910 Research Blvd E-1
First turn past Pinballz on 183
The take driveway slightly uphill to warehouse park.
Austin, TX 78758
(512) 730-1629(email is preferred)
Thursday, February 20th - North Austin
Friday, February 21st - South Austin
It's that time again - time to email me if you think or even hope that you'll be testing in front of Grandmaster Sin in February! This is for anyone ready to test next month - if you are unsure of whether that applies to you, you can check with M. Joe. Grandmaster Sin will be here Feb 19th thru the 24th (it's on the calendar :) and that means North Austin testing will occur on Thursday the 20th and you can expect seminars with him that Sunday Feb. 23.
I need your name as it will appear on your certificate, the rank you are testing into, if it's a belt or sash, and if it's a belt, I need your belt size.
EVEN if you are not sure that you'll be on that list, I need to know ASAP so that I have enough belts, sashes, certificates in the school. Those things take a little time and if you wait too long, you may not get one that night. Better for us to have extras, than you to get none. Thank you.