October Events
Here's what's going on at Shaolin Martial Arts.
What a crazy summer! Not exactly the one we expected, but interesting in a new and different way. Now we are headed into fall and the holiday season. Here is an update on what you can expect from your Lakeway kung fu school during the month of October.
First of all...
We had an excellent testing session with Grandmaster Sin The' last weekend. Everyone who tested did extremely well and made Master Mike proud to be your teacher. Here's who tested: Nellie Paransky - 3rd Degree Brown Belt Ari Paransky - 3rd Degree Brown Belt Jake Murphy - 3rd Degree Brown Belt Brennan Jeff - 3rd Degree Brown Belt Ravi Parthasarathi - 3rd Degree Brown Belt Anil Parthasarathi - 3rd Degree Brown Belt Helena Parker - 1st Degree Brown Belt (Next step, black belt!) Brian Jeff - 4th Degree Black Belt (It takes at least 12 years of dedicated practice to reach this level.) So congratulate your friends when you see them in class. These are big achievements and should be celebrated. And remember, it will be your turn soon.
Saturday, October 17th
Parking Lot Class Day

Just a day for all Shaolin Martial Arts students to attend class in person in our parking lot. We will wear masks and keep distance. We will also work on drills, belt material, weapons, and more! There will be no Zoom classes this day, I encourage all students to attend so we can have a little togetherness! Weather permitting, of course. (In the event of rain or cold, we will reschedule.) Bring shoes, water, sunscreen, etc. 10:30 Advanced Kung Fu (Brown & Black Belts) 12:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Kids Kung Fu 2:00 Adult Kung Fu See the Facebook Event page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2871896716428495
Saturday, October 31st
Trick or Treat! Since Halloween falls on a Saturday this year, let's have a little fun with it. Come to class in your costume and get a little treat! In person, or on Zoom.
We will hold regular classes in the morning and afternoon, but all students are encouraged to wear a costume just for fun. Yes, even the adults! We will have some fun workouts, some tasty treats, and play some exciting games together. Let's make sure to get some group photos of everyone all together.
Master Mike looks forward to seeing your costumes!
A final note from Master Mike... I just want to thank everyone for working so hard this summer and sticking by your local Kung Fu and Tai Chi instructor. I know things have been difficult with Covid-19 and Zoom training. I get how frustrating it can be to learn things over video and run into the furniture in your living room or get turned around. It shows a lot of dedication and fortitude that none of you have given up and are instead thriving in the new environment. I will do everything I can to provide the best training environment possible and help everyone to reach their highest potential. This fall will bring some changes to the school, but hopefully good ones. Things are opening up, but we still want to be careful. We will continue the Zoom classes at least through the end of the year. Then we'll see if it's still needed come January. But let's try out a parking lot class, and I'm looking at putting a seminar together for November. Keep an eye out for a self-defense workshop coming soon, too. We just need to be sure we can do these events safely and responsibly. It's an honor to teach all of you, and I wake up excited to train every single day. :) --Master Mike
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