December Events

This post contains information about:
Parking Lot Class
Holiday Closures
Recent Belt Tests
Holiday Sales
Plans for 2021

Parking Lot Class with Sifu Brian
6:30-7:30 P.M.
Don't miss our next outdoor training session with Sifu Brian. He will host a review class on Friday 12/11 in the evening. This is open to ALL STUDENTS! Kung Fu or Tai Chi, he can help you with them both.
This is a chance to catch up on material, practice weapons outside without space restrictions, learn things up-close and personal, and basically to have a little fun! See what it's like to do Kung Fu with your shoes on. Or to practice Tai Chi on a firm, but uneven surface. Expand your skill set and diversify your training.
Remember, it's the obstacles and hardships that make us better.
(In the case of rain or adverse weather, discretionary changes may be made.)

Holiday Closures
The school will be closed on the following dates for the Holiday season.
Tuesday, December 22nd - Sunday December 27th
We will be back to normal operations on Monday, December 28th.
Recent Belt Tests
Adhya Shetty - Yellow Belt
(Kids Kung Fu)
Congratulations, Adhya!

Holiday Sales
New T-Shirts available! $20
Help us raise some funds for the school and look stylish at the same time. Sizes S-XXL
Discounts on Gift Certificates
See our Holiday Sales web page for more information!

Plans for 2021
With any luck, 2021 may be the time for us to get back to business on training as normal. Let's see what the holiday events bring in terms of Covid-19 numbers, easing or tightening of restrictions, and how to keep our training going safely.
I have already committed to doing the Zoom classes until the end of the year. This may be less than ideal, but this is how I can reach all of students and we can keep everybody safe and progressing at their own speed.
I thank everyone for their patience, dedication, and effort to keep things going as we continue to sail into the unknown. I will make every effort to be there for students, in whatever format you need, for as long as possible. So, I will wait until January and see how things are going then, to announce any changes to our schedule or format.
I will be putting together a couple special seminars and workshops in the New Year. Students who wish to learn more, or dive a bit deeper can take advantage of those. Once I have dates and formats put together, I'll announce those as well.
I know there's a lot of uncertainty. I'd love nothing more than to say we're going back to In-person only in 2021, and bringing partner work and sparring back to classes. The truth is, we'll have to see. We can phase our way back safely in a way that feels comfortable for everyone and most importantly includes everyone.
I welcome your feedback and questions. Let me know how things are going, what you're looking for or expecting, and how you're feeling. And if you want to, we can always use a great review on FB, Google, or Yelp!
Happy Training, Happy Holidays, See you in Class.
--Master Mike
5th Degree Associate Master
4th Degree Black Sash
Owner, Shaolin Martial Arts, LLC
Copyright © 2020 Shaolin Martial Arts, LLC, All rights reserved.