Black Belt Banquet 2022
After 3 years, we finally held our Black Belt Banquet again! This is a special celebration to rewward any student who has passed into a level of Black Belt or Black Sash. These are amazing acheivements, and we love to show everyone our support, as well as have a fun night with our friends!
Since we had some catching up to do, this year we gave out 115 certificates. That's more black belts than most schools will create during their entire lifetimes. That doesn't mean it's an easy achievement, or worth any less. It just means we have a great community of peers here to keep everyone involved and moving forward.
Remember, that every step up the ladder from this point takes years and years, plus lots of sweat and sacrifice from your personal life. Everyone up on that stage is a winner. They beat the odds and kept training, and that perseverance is the most pivotal aspect of training in Kung Fu or Tai Chi.
One step in front of the other...