Shaolin-Do students are looking for:
Life-long challenge.
Any daily opportunity to learn and grow.
An organizing principle for their life.
A realistic and fascinating way to defend themselves and feel safer.
Vibrant health and endless energy.
Involvement in a traditional and ancient system of knowledge
If these goals match your own then you're a Shaolin-Do student who just hasn't joined yet. Nearly every one of our adult students uses these terms to describe their reasons for training at our school. If this describes you, then at Shaolin-Do you will find a community of people that think like you, train like you, play like you, and are seeking a better life like you.
Shaolin-Do students are NOT:
In an ego battle to see who is the best fighter.
Motivated by trophies and belts.
Sitting in judgment about who deserves to be in the school and who doesn't.
Aren't All Martial Schools Basically the Same?
Absolutely not!
There is a pretty simple test you can use to see if a martial art school is offering something of value.
Step #1 Visit the school.
Step #2 Count the number of adult students.
Kids are pretty much happy just having fun in a class and wearing a cool uniform. Adults however are not turned on by belts, patches, trophies, stamps or little stickers. Adults are very critical and will only continue to pay for something that has real world benefits; in other words it must make their life better. So, if you don't see many adults at the school then the curriculum probably doesn't have much merit.
Step #3 Count the number of adults that have trained in the school beyond the first level of black belt.
Many people will try hard to get their black belt, but then feel they've crossed the finish line and promptly quit. You see, they were in love with the idea of getting a black belt. However, if they continue to train beyond that point it means they were in love with the style of martial arts that is being taught and the positive effects it has on their life.
If your goal is to reach black belt or higher and feel a real sense of accomplishment then you have a 10x greater chance of doing that in our school. In the average school, 1 student out of every 100 reaches black belt. At Shaolin-Do, usually 10-15 out of every 100 reach their goal of black belt or higher.